Binance has presented data on its reserves of $63 billion

A group of U.S. senators led by Elizabeth Warren demanded from the management of the largest exchange Binance and its U.S. subsidiary Binance US to provide financial statements.

The congressmen sent a letter to the company’s administration stating that the trading platform must publish data from 2017.

Binance announced this week that it has up to $63 billion in digital assets under its control.

The exchange has a total of 24 reserve assets at its disposal. This list includes MASK, ENJ, WRX, GRT, CHR, CRV, 1INCH, CVP, HFT, SSV and DOGE tokens.

Meanwhile, the lion’s share of the company’s capital is placed in bitcoin and ether – $12.7 billion and $7.1 billion, respectively. In Tether (USDT) Binance holds about $16.3 billion.

The management of the trading floor stressed that its financial position is stable. Even the recent drop in the capitalization of stabelcoin Binance USD below $10 billion could not worsen the cryptocompany’s performance.