What does Robert Kiyosaki predict for Bitcoin?

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the popular book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” said in March that the world economy is sinking into a financial crisis. According to the businessman, capital can only be protected by buying cryptocurrencies and precious metals.

This week in Twitter Kiyosaki again declared that financial turmoil is inevitable and urged investors to invest more in bitcoin, gold and silver.

The businessman himself promised that he plans to build up reserves in the digital currency in the near future because he doesn’t trust the Federal Reserve and the economic policies of the Joe Biden administration.

“Rich Dad” stressed: “Bitcoin is up more than 100% in a year. I’m betting on further Bitcoin growth. I am also buying more gold and silver. Why buy more gold, silver and bitcoin? Because the Fed, the Treasury and Biden are all liars.”

Robert Kioisaki has repeatedly stated that gold and BTC will be the most popular assets over the next few years.

If big capital gets more involved in cryptocurrency and precious metal, the troy ounce of gold and bitcoin will rise to $5,000 and $500,000 by 2025.