Robert Kiyosaki: urgently withdraw money into gold and bitcoin

During the global financial crisis, investors can protect their capital only with the help of alternative instruments. In addition to precious metals, the list of such assets includes bitcoin, tweeted Robert Kiyosaki.

“Rich Daddy” has warned of impending economic turmoil over the past few years.

For example, during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, he said the U.S. banking system was collapsing. This process is accelerated by the Federal Reserve printing gigantic amounts of dollars that flow into the economy and depreciate rapidly.

Bitcoin, gold and silver are instruments that will protect investors’ capital. According to Kiyosaki, the new crisis will be far worse than the turmoil of 2008-2009. Property values will collapse by 70% and those who are now investing in construction of offices and homes will suffer huge losses. Besides, the businessman periodically criticizes the actions of central banks. He thinks that monetary policy of regulators puts more pressure on the financial system and provokes crises.