Irish farmer learned how to mine bitcoin with cow manure

Irish farmer Tom Campbell has found a way to use livestock products to mine bitcoin. It is reported by Cointelegraph.

The farmer produces renewable energy using the anaerobic digestion method. He decomposes the manure to the point where methane begins to be released, which can be used to generate electricity.

Basically, Campbell uses such trickery to power his farm. However, when excess energy appears that cannot be exported to the grid, the farmer mines the first cryptocurrency.

According to the entrepreneur, the “methane method” produces up to 700 kW of electricity, the equivalent of 12,000 households.

The Irish government estimates that if 41 percent of farmers started using Campbell’s green electricity technology, they could generate enough power to power all of the country’s residential infrastructure.

It would also help significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, of which 35% come from the agricultural sector.

Earlier the mining company TeraWulf used the capacity of 50 MW from a nuclear power plant to mine bitcoin.

Recall that in March, the international environmental organization Greenpeace introduced a new mascot to combat the first cryptocurrency mining in the form of the “Satoshi Skull.